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Strings and their prefixes

A string in X# is delimited by the double hyphen:

cString := "this is a string"

This is valid for the VO, Vulcan and Code dialects. In the VO dialect a string can also be delimited by the single hyphen:

cString := 'this is a string'

This is to make X# compatible to VO code.

If you need to use special characters or double hyphens in your string, the Enhanced string does what you need:

cString := e"this is a \"string\"."

and of course you can also embed other control characters in your string:

cString := e"this is a multiline\nstring with another\nline"

But you can do even more with interpolated strings:

local cMyVar := "Hi" as string

cString := i"{cMyVar} guys"

Of course you can use both at the same time:

cString := ei"this is a \"string\". that references {cLocalVar}"
strings.1516546892.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/21 15:01 by wolfgangriedmann