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namespaces_migrated_applications [2024/09/11 04:57] wolfgangriedmannnamespaces_migrated_applications [2024/09/11 06:35] (current) wolfgangriedmann
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 Migrated applications does not have indicated any namespace, therefore some special rules apply. Migrated applications does not have indicated any namespace, therefore some special rules apply.
-Normally, such applications use the compiler option /ins (use implicit namespace), so the compiler adds the needed namespaces from the runtime libraries to the program (you can see that if you open the compiled exe with a tool like ILSpy.+Normally, such applications use the compiler option /ins (use implicit namespace), so the compiler searches the referenced libraries and adds namespaces with special attribute. You can see that if you open the compiled exe with a tool like ILSpy. For more informations please look at [[compiler_option_ins|/ins compiler option]]
 When you migrate a VO app with the name DictEdit, then the generated Assembly name by the Exporter is DictEdit.EXE and the Default Namespace is also DictEdit When you migrate a VO app with the name DictEdit, then the generated Assembly name by the Exporter is DictEdit.EXE and the Default Namespace is also DictEdit
namespaces_migrated_applications.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/11 06:35 by wolfgangriedmann