====== Everything is an object ======
In .NET even basic datatypes like ''string'' or ''int'' are an object.
This means that even these datatypes can (an have) own methods. One method common to every object is ''AsString()'' . This method sometimes returns useful data:
local nInt as int
local oDate as DateTime
local lLogic as logic
nInt := 1234
oDate := DateTime.Now
lLogic := true
System.Console.WriteLine( nInt:ToString() )
System.Console.WriteLine( oDate:ToString() )
System.Console.WriteLine( lLogic:ToString() )
28.01.2018 17:51:37
But sometimes, in more complex classes, the ''ToString()'' method returns only the name of the class, and it is to you to define such a method that returns a more meaningful string value.
Regarding the methods of such a class, you should give a look to the [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string|System.String]] class - you will be surprised how many different and useful methods this class already has!