====== VO compatibility issues ====== * [[naming_conflicts|Naming conflicts]] * [[createinstance_libraries|Createinstance and Libraries]] * [[begin_end_sequence|Begin - End Sequence]] * [[vo_errorblock|VO ErrorBlock]] * [[assign_no_returnvalue|Assign cannot have a return value in .NET]] * [[virtual_methods|VO methods are virtual]] * [[binary_dbf_content|Binary content in DBF files]] * [[other_vo_to_x_issues|Other issues]] * [[vo_to_net:functions_to_net|VO functions translated to .NET]] * [[compare_symbols_numeric|Compare symbols to numerics]] * [[vostruct_struture|.NET Structure and VOStruct]] * [[advantage_database_server|Advantage Database Server]] * [[xporter_disabled_warnings|Disabled warnings by Xporter/VO]] * [[dll_function_changes|_dll function changes]] * [[rt_manifest_constant|RT_MANIFEST constant]] * [[start_function|Start() function needs the [STAThread] attribute]] * [[strings_codepages|Strings and codepages or "The Unicode Advantage"]] * [[rdd_internals_exceptions|How the X# RDD works with exceptions]]