====== How to start with X# if you are a VO programmer ====== If you are a VO programmer, these tips can be helpful to you. * X# comes with an (optional) IDE that is similar to the Visual Objects IDE. So if you are not familiar with Microsoft Visual Studio, starting with XIDE may make learning easier. * Install X# (of course) and XIDE. XIDE may be needed for some samples. But you need to be registered on [[https://www.xsharp.info|www.xsharp.info]] to be able to download the installer. The X# compiler can be used free of charge, even for commercial purposes * Play with two of the standard applications that come with XIDE: the "Basic X# Application" and the "Basic X# Form Application" * If you are interested in WPF, you can also have a look at the samples at the "Samples" page in XIDE * download the "Vulcan.NET at Warp Speed Guide" from here: [[http://www.govulcan.net/portal/LearningVulcanNET/GettingStarted/tabid/59/Default.aspx|Vulcan.NET Getting Started]]. It is for Vulcan.NET, but apply most also to X# * look at the forums [[https://www.xsharp.info/forum/public-examples|Examples]] and [[https://www.xsharp.info/forum/pearls|Pearls]]. They contain several samples a pieces of code by some contributors, and also by the X# Development Team itself * There is a page that links to some forum contributions that are very interesting: [[https://www.riedmann.it/xsharp/index.php|X# Pearls]] * You can find some samples and documentation also here: [[https://www.riedmann.it/verschiedenes_xsharp.php|X# sample downloads]] * There is also a document that lists some of the differences between VO and X#: [[https://riedmann.it/documents/Differences_VO_XS.pdf|Differences_VO_XS.pdf]] * Migrate a VO application using the Vulcan runtime libraries and XIDE: [[migrate_vo_vulcan_rt|Migrate from VO using XIDE and the Vulcan runtime]] Of course, you can ask in the forums, and someone will try to answer your questions. And use Google, and add "C#" to your search terms: there are a lot of solutions for every problem - you will be surprised.