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Array access with 0-based and 1-based array

This code is a sample how to write code that works with both 0-based and 1-based array, independently from the current compiler option.

function Start( ) as void
	local aData			as string[]
	local nLen			as int
	local nI			as int
	aData			:= <string>{ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven" }
	nLen			:= aData:Length - 1 + __ARRAYBASE__
	for nI := __ARRAYBASE__ upto nLen
		System.Console.WriteLine( String.Format( "member {0} is {1}", nI:ToString(), aData[nI] ) )
	for nI := aData:FirstIndex() upto aData:LastIndex()
		System.Console.WriteLine( String.Format( "member {0} is {1}", nI:ToString(), aData[nI] ) )
	foreach cString as string in aData
		System.Console.WriteLine( String.Format( "member is {0}", cString ) )

static class ArrayHelper       
static method FirstIndex( self aArray as System.Array ) as int

	return __ARRAYBASE__

static method LastIndex( self aArray as System.Array ) as int
	local nLength			as int
	nLength			:= aArray:Length - 1 + __ARRAYBASE__
	return nLength
end class
codesamples/arrayhelper.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/23 09:17 by wolfgangriedmann