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WinForms Databinding

The databinding in WinForms is not so advanced like the databinding in WPF, but it is possible. The data object on which the controls content can be bound (usually called ViewModel in MVVM terms) needs to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.

As usual, it requires at least one line of code for every field: [code]oTextBox:Bindings:Add( “Text”, oViewModel, “PropertyName” )[/code] where Text stands for the property of the TextBox on which the ViewModel field has to be bound, and FieldName stands for the name of the property in the ViewModel that contains the desired value.

It is very easy to implement name based binding in WinForms. You need a similar method of ther following in your window: [code]method Use( oViewModel as INotifyPropertyChanged ) as void local oControls as System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlCollection local oTextBox as TextBox

oControls := self:Controls foreach oControl as Control in oControls

do case
case oControl is TextBox
  oTextBox := ( TextBox ) oControl
  oTextBox:DataBindings:Add( "Text", oViewModel, oTextBox:Name )


return[/code] and then you can combine your form (or View as in MVVM) with a simple statement: [code]oForm:Use( oViewModel )[/code] Of course you should enhance your method to implement databinding also for the other types of controls you use, and you should put them in your windows base class from which all your forms/Views will be inherited.

winforms_databinding_sample.1532841097.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/29 05:11 by wolfgangriedmann