The System.Tuple class can be used to hold different objects, it is like a list with predefined data.
A tuple is very useful when you need fixed groups of data and don't like to define a own class for it. To define and to create a tuple you need generics.
local oTuple as Tuple<int,string> oTuple := Tuple<int,string>{ 123, "Hello World!" } Console.WriteLine( oTuple:Item1:ToString() ) // 123 Console.WriteLine( oTuple:Item2 ) // Hello World! Console.WriteLine( oTuple:Item1:GetType():Name ) // Int32 Console.WriteLine( oTuple:Item2:GetType():Name ) // String
Please see also the following X# forum post: Pearls: Tuples: getting more for your money
tuples.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/10 08:28 by wolfgangriedmann